Click Here to download a PDF of published papers using Topcat equipment. This currently contains over eighty references and spans the last ten years. Here are the most recent open access papers:
Guillot M et al (2014) Evoked temporal summation in cats to highlight central sensitization related to osteoarthritis-associated chronic pain: a preliminary study.
Polson S, Taylor P & Yates D (2013) Effects of age and reproductive status on postoperative pain after routine ovariohysterectomy in cats. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery.
Hoffmann MV, Beate S, Kastner SBR, Kietzmann M, Kramer S (2012) Contact heat thermal threshold testing in beagle dogs: baseline reproducibility and the effect of acepromazine, levomethadone and fenpipramide. BMC Veterinary Research 8:206
Poller C, Hopster K, Rohn K, Kastner SBR (2013) Evaluation of contact heat thermal threshold testing for standardized assessment of cutaneous nociception in horses – comparison of different locations and environmental conditions. BMC Veterinary Research 9:4
The following posters were exhibited at the WCVA in Capetown, September 2012:
Taylor PM and Dixon MJ. A review of mechanical nociceptive threshold data in eight mammalian species. Click here for a PDF of the poster
Taylor PM and Dixon MJ. The relationship between tip diameter and mechanical nociceptive threshold. Click here for a PDF of the poster.
The following posters and abstracts using equipment from Topcat Metrology were presented at the AVA meeting in Davos, Switzerland, March 2012:
Musk GC, Murdoch FR, Tuke SJ, Kemp MW, Dixon MJ & Taylor PM. Thermal and mechanical nociceptive threshold testing in pregnant sheep. Click here for a PDF of the poster.
Ambros B and Duke-Novakovski T. Antinociceptive effects of low dose ketamine infusions in conscious cats. Click here for a PDF of this poster.
Click here for a PDF showing our ProdPlus in use with kittens at the University of Gent.
…And here for some information about our thermal and mechanical systems at the University of Saskatchewan.
About us:
Dr Polly Taylor graduated from Cambridge, worked in general practice and then returned to academia, becoming Chief of Anaesthesia at the Animal Health Trust in the 1980s. She then returned to the Cambridge Vet School, becoming Reader in Anaesthesia in 2000. In 2008 she co-founded Topcat Metrology Ltd alongside her work as a freelance consultant, with work ranging from clinical aenasthesia and teaching to drug registration and research. She has published numerous papers, particularly relating to horses and cats, and is co-author of “The Little Red Book”, the Handbook of Equine Anaesthesia.
Dr Michael Dixon has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Metrology from the National Physical Laboratory (where he developed the first dynamic force standard in the world). He now has thirty years experience of measurement in unusual environments including the Polar icecap, the side of an oilrig and geo-stationary orbit. In 1998 he developed, with Polly Taylor, a thermal threshold testing device for cats. This business grew and in 2008 they founded Topcat Metrology Ltd, the only supplier in the world of wireless thermal and mechanical nociceptive testing systems. He is the prime author of numerous papers, of 8 published patents and of several current patent applications relating to the MouseMet EvF transducer and testing environment. For more information, and for testimonials for his work at Topcat, please visit his LinkedIn page.