As well as our handheld algometers, the Prod range, we make three mechanical threshold testing systems, two of which are controlled from a bench-top unit and the third of which is wireless. All are based around our range of light, low friction, rolling diaphragm pneumatic actuators with a single flat-ended probe or, by request, with three probes in a triangle.
MT2, our automatic bench-top mechanical system, has a built-in pre-charge reservoir which is primed by the operator before the test. Pneumatic valves and a feedback control loop then provide the ramp, selectable from the front panel, with the threshold reading peak-held when the stimulus button is released.
And WMT1, our wireless mechanical system for large animals, is controlled in the same way as our wireless thermal sytems, from a two channel infra-red link. One channel applies the stimulus and the other resets the system for the next test. Click here for the datasheet.